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Alcatraz is open every day. You must make reservations through https://www.cityexperiences.com/san-francisco/city-cruises/alcatraz/

FOCWA docents give Civil War programs when on the island.

The next Living History Day on Alcatraz will be October 5, 2024.

Alcatraz will be filled with military and civilian reenactors on Living History Day, giving visitors a sense of who occupied the island during the Civil War.

Soldiers of the infantry and artillery will display soldiers’ equipment and weapons, a medical steward will display medical instruments of that time, the head of the U.S. Balloon Corps will show how they were used to view the battlefield.

An enlistment officer will demonstrate how men were enlisted, ladies will be displaying household goods and medicines of the 1860s, and other ladies will have afternoon tea in the gardens.

The band returns to play tunes of the 1860s.

Alcatraz LHD Information
Impressions and Scenarios

To view past Alcatraz activities and photos, click here

The last Living History Days event on Fort Point was February 3-4, 2024

Friends of Civil War Alcatraz is a non-profit organization that supports the National Park Service with educating the general public concerning the Civil War Experience on Alcatraz Island and in Northern California.

Gary Hormel, Events Coordinator:
Email: bmcuscg1@comcast.net




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